Stress, depression, tiredness, anxiety, confusion and never ending tension,
These and more are what programmers face, whether you're just starting out or you're new to the game. Most times when we have deadlines to meet or personally timed goals that you need to achieve, we tend to put pressure on ourselves and even forget about how important it is to take care of our mental health.
Some of us become sleep deprived, some fail to update themselves with the current status of their immediate family members, some of our friendships and relationships suffer neglect too.
We most times forget that in as much as we are programmers, we are humans too, and as such there are some duties we have to fulfill as humans, both to our body and also to the immediate environment around us.
Some tips on how to handle these situations are;
1). Have a mapped out time to take care of your health, your mind and your body. Meditate, Pray, Listen to music, whatever works for you, go for a walk, exercise, eat healthy even if it's once a week or once in two weeks, but try not to get too engrossed with your work that you neglect yourself for more than two weeks. Taking proper care of yourself will also increase your productivity and activeness with your tasks or job
2). Hang out with your family, close friends, or coworkers once in a while, have a good laugh, catch up on things, go to the park together, or cook and eat a traditional meal together. Just try to be involved with the people around you because they're going to be the ones cheering for you when it all gets tough.
3). Ask for help. No man is an island, when it gets too frustrating and tensed, ask for help. Not only will the workload seem lesser, you might also learn simple techniques from other developers who have gone through the same problem you are going through. This way you get your job done and also learn something new.
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